
Only available for CSFloat.
Please use this feature responsibly. Refreshing more than once every 30s WILL get you banned.

This feature is specific to the “NEWEST”-sorting on CSFloat. It automatically refreshes the page in a certain interval to show the newest listings. This can be useful to quickly identify new listings and potentially good deals.

You can select between the following intervals:

  • 30 seconds
  • 1 minute
  • 2 minutes
  • 5 minutes
Please be aware of CSFloat’s strict rate limits. BetterFloat is not reponsible for any bans or restrictions due to excessive requests.

Example: Auto-Refresh feature disabled

Sticker Prices

This feature adds a sticker price indicator to the listing. It’s a very common metric in trading and can be useful to quickly identify the overpay for the stickers on an item.

For non-mathematicians: The sticker price (%SP) is the percentage of the un-applied sticker value incorporated into the price.

How is it calculated?

SP=prpbi=1spsiSP = \dfrac{p_r - p_b}{\sum_{i=1}^{|s|} p_{s_i}}


  • SPSP is the displayed sticker price in %
  • prp_r is the price of the listing
  • pbp_b is the base price of the item (for example the Buff price)
  • s|s| is the number of stickers on the item
  • psip_{s_i} is the base price of sticker ii

Example: The %SP of a listing on CSFloat

CSBlueGem Integration

CSBlueGem is a third-party service that provides a detailed case hardened analysis and data. BetterFloat integrates this data into the extension to provide a more details for individual patterns via their blue percentage and most recent sales. You can visit their website here:

The blue% indicator used the format playside/backside to display the amount of blue. Most patterns do no go up to 100%.

Example: Blue % Indicator on a Karambit CH

Example: Most recent sales provided by CSBlueGem