Convenience features and options for listings
Show In-Game Pictures
If enabled, the extension will replace the default skin image with in-game pictures for the listing. This can be especially useful for pattern-based items or items with applied stickers.
It is turned off per default and always-on for item popups.
Example: Listing with in-game pictures enabled
Show Listing Age
If enabled, the extension shows the age of the listing in hours / days. This can be useful to identify listings that have been on the market for a long time and might lack demand.
Low / High Float Coloring
Colors the float of an item if it is below or above a certain threshold. This can be useful to quickly identify items with a specific float value. The used colors are:
Color | Description |
turquoise | Good float, often worth decent overpay |
indianred | Bad float, often deminishes possible overpays |
springgreen | Very good float, often worth a lot of overpay |
orangered | Very bad float, often also worth a lot of overpay |
Show Minimum Bargain Price
If enabled, the extension displays the minimum possible bargain limit for the item in the bargain button. This can be useful to quickly identify if bargaining is worth it for a specific item.
Example: Minimum bargain price in the bargain button
Remove Preview Clustering
When enabled, this removes irrelevant data such as the seller’s online status or the ‘key’-symbol. Generally leads to a cleaner experience for experienced users and smaller item cards / displays. Default: off.
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